Graphic design and animation.
Throughout the years, I've created a bunch of graphics, ranging from team t-shirts and logos to marketing content for university events, as well as lighthearted visuals.
Animation for Atlassian’s website
In order to promote a new content type on our Atlassian website, I crafted engaging animations that highlight core functionality of the product. Leveraging our components from Figma, I designed and animated these visuals. Feel free to view these animations here.
Team graphics
Teams often seek to establish their unique identities. They would approach me with requests for logo designs. After receiving a request, I would employ my skills on Illustrator to create distinctive logos for them.
USYD design event marketing
During my tenure as a design student at USYD, I held an executive position in the University Design Society. Part of my role involved crafting engaging graphics for forthcoming networking events over an extended period.
America x Australia
For fun I occasionally create more humourous visuals that blend American and Australian pop-culture.
Cat and mouse
To build on my after effects animation skills I developed a 15-second animation depicting a playful interaction between a cat and a mouse.